Monday, November 26, 2007

Background on the Khmer Rouge

hello all.

welcome to my blog.

Does the term 'Khmer Rouge' hold any meaning for you?

I recently gave a presentation to a group of teenagers. It troubled me that not one student knew what the Khmer Rouge regime was, or what it did. Of course, I didn't even know Cambodia was in Southeast Asia when I found out about the program.
Well if you have not heard this term before, it is likely you haven't heard about the Cambodian genocide that occured. This was the name of the group that led it.

I think it's extremely important to analyze other genocides besides the holocaust because the promise of "never again" was quickly broken. Also, a comprehensive study of a topic such as genocide should not be limited to one example.

If you have a moment and want a little more information on 1975-1979 in Cambodia,
Yale University has a "Cambodian Genocide Program", and offers an summary of the time period.

For a more visual (graphic images) representation of what occured, a high school student has made a video displaying many pictures from Tuol Sleng, a prison set up at a former high school. Led by Duch (now awaiting trial), the leaders tortured confessions out of their prisoners, making sure each person confessed to accusations before he or she was killed. Many of the paintings were done by Vann Nath, one of the few survivors of the prison.
I will be continually adding blogs, so let me know if you have any comments, questions or suggestions. Feedback is appreciated.

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